Foods that might Decrease Pain and Inflammation

Pain and inflammation can be attributed to disease or injury. Arthritis causes pain and joint swelling in the joints, and can worsen as a result of obesity and stress. Although pain and inflammation can be reduced by taking anti-inflammatory medications, it can also be reduced by consuming certain foods. Foods that decrease pain and inflammation include salmon, sardines, herring, walnuts and soybeans. In addition, rainbow trout, oysters and ground flaxseeds help to decrease inflammation. These foods contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are categorized as polyunsaturated fats.Extra virgin olive oil is high in monounsaturated fat, which is considered to be a “good” fat. This type of fat can help protect your body from inflammation due to antioxidants known as polyphenols. Studies have shown that these substances can help reduce inflammation brought on by arthritis. Foods containing vitamin D such as milk, cheese, mushrooms, egg yolks, herring and wild salmon support muscle, joint and bone health and getting enough vitamin D can help reduce the risk osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Spices such as turmeric and ginger are also known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is rich in chemicals that can mimic the effects of anti-inflammatory drugs, thus reducing pain and inflammation. Ginger, however, can cause thinning of the blood, so if you are considering adding ginger to your diet, check with your doctor. Turmeric, like ginger can reduce pain and inflammation by suppressing the chemicals in your body responsible for the inflammatory process.

Although many foods can help suppress the inflammatory process and reduce pain, people should not rely solely on food for results. Pain and inflammation may be signs of medical conditions that may need to be evaluated by a medical professional. Medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs and prescription analgesics may need to be incorporated into your routine if recommended by your health care provider.