Losing weight can be challenging! It takes determination and patience to reach your goals. Although following a restricted calorie diet
and exercise can steadily take the weight off, you might encounter a
few unexpected obstacles. Did you know that certain medications can
throw a wrench into your weight loss endeavors? Its very true. Certain
medications can enhance your appetite, promoting you to eat more. These
medications include oral corticosteroids which are sometimes prescribed
for conditions that cause inflammation. People are commonly prescribed
steroids for asthma, serious skin conditions and infections. In addition
to increasing your appetite, steroids can also affect blood sugar
levels and cause you to retain fluid, which can also add excess weight.
Typically, however, the weight gained from taking corticosteroids is
generally temporary and will soon resolve after the medication has been
Other medications that can sabotage your diet include
anti-inflammatory medications and antihistamines. These medications can
cause water retention, and in the case of antihistamines, increase your
appetite. Medications known as beta blockers, which are used in the
treatment and management of high blood pressure, heart arrthymias and
anxiety can also cause weight gain. Beta blockers have a slowing effect
on your metabolism, which can make it more difficult
for you to lose weight. Stepping up your exercise routine can help
reboot your metabolism, but if you are taking beta blockers, you should
talk to your health care provider before beginning an exercise program.
Vigorous exercise may be contraindicated in those with certain medical
conditions, but mild aerobic exercise is generally safe for most people.
Certain medications can even cause you to lose your appetite. This can also have sabotage your diet
because when your appetite is lost, you may not have the ability to
consume enough healthy foods to sustain a healthy diet. Medications that
can cause you to lose your appetite or even cause nausea include
antibiotics, certain prescription pain medications, antidepressants and
certain vitamins. In fact, antidepressant medications can sabotage your
diet in two ways. They can either cause stomach upset and prevent you
from eating, or cause you to gain weight. Anti-anxiety medications may
also contribute to weight gain, but these medications should never be
abruptly discontinued without seeking the advice of your physician.